Latest Past Events

‘A qué aguardan mis voces’: hidden gems of Spanish vocal music

Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama The University of Manchester, Bridgeford St, Manchester

A recital of Spanish vocal music in which the acclaimed tenor Jorge Navarro Colorado and pianist-musicologist Ricardo Gosalbo explore different lyric-dramatic genres such as opera, zarzuela, tonadilla and oratorio, offering

Discover Spanish Zarzuela

Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall Woodhouse, Leeds

In this overview of the unique lyric-dramatic genre, rising star mezzo-soprano Julia Merino and acclaimed pianist Ricardo Gosalbo embark on a musical journey to sunlit Spain to explore Zarzuela’s vast


Songs at Six: French and Spanish Operetta

Milton Court Concert Hall - Guildhall School of Music & Drama 1 Milton Street, London

Romance, glittering ballgowns, dizzying waltzes, and abundant quantities of champagne feature in this semi-staged performance of operetta highlights from France and its Pyrenean neighbour, Spain. Led by Charlie Morgan and
